Friday, April 1, 2011

It's Friday again?'s Friday again? OMG I didn't blog all week! I don't know where the week went! It wasn't especially busy or slow it just was. One exciting thing that is happening is I have been working out and sticking to it! And I'm actually enjoying it! i just really want to just be strong and feel happy about my body. No more complaining more doing. I have been taking Zumba classes and they are so much fun. Its really a win win situation cause while I'm working out (and getting fit and sexy! HA!) Harper gets to play with the kids in the day care center. Shes loving it and doing great with me leaving her which I'm really excited about. I want her always to feel safe even when I'm not around. Oh and I think we are about to hit the mother load with new teeth coming in. I swear she has about 5 teeth about to break the skin! Poor little bug! This weekend is going to be filled with sewing and cleaning I think. I have a cute project Im working on for a local event, I will definetly blog my progress! Ok everyone happiest of happy weekends to you all!

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