Wednesday, January 26, 2011

A man's (and baby's) best friend

He looks like a giant dog in this picture. He is only 6 pounds! She was so tiny!

Harper loves her dog Lex. Even when she was just a few months old she was infatuated with him. She loves him so much that Lex has been her first word. She says it all day long! When she wakes up in the morning, when she is playing, she calls him when shes eating (and sneaks him treats) and says his name as we walk through the door. It's really cute.  Lex has also always been able to make her belly roll with laughter. It always cracks us up. Now she has figured out how to play ball with him and finally he has started to be infatuated with her! As I type this they are playing tug of war and she is laughing so hard! Melts my heart!

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Things I like- Part 1

I thought since I've been stuck inside for what seems like a year I would do a post on things I really like in my house. I also thought it would be neat for Harper to look back when she's older to see how her home was decorated when she was a baby.

Nate would probably say that I am a bit of a nick knack collector (it kind of drives him crazy) but I love all my little objects. I have been more selective over the years as to what goes and what stays, but some of these objects have been with me forever. I don't know what sets some of this stuff apart from just "junk" but I do know when I look at these objects they make me happy.

So here is Part 1-  My kitchen

I love this little red pitcher. I remember it being in my home when I was a little girl.  It's itsy bitsy and makes a perfect vase for a pansy or a violet. I also love these salt and pepper shakers. Ironically Nate bought them.

I love this old rusty pitcher. Nate and I lived in a little cottage in CT and I pulled this out of the woods the last month we lived there. The plant is my favorite plant ever! When I came home from the hospital with the baby it was in my freshly cleaned apartment, my mom knew I liked them and had bought it for me. I couldn't tell you what type of plant it is and I have almost killed it numerous times but I just adore it! Also I really like the feather. I think my brother brought it home one day in CT after a walk. 

I got these tins from Ikea a few years ago. I love the colors and patterns. Secretly I don't have anything in them. They are small so I never really know exactly what to put in them, oh well they're cute.

This little guy was my Nana's. She liked clowns so every one bought her clowns, for Christmas for her birthday for everything. She was probably so sick of them! When she died a few years ago my cousin and I went through her apartment and took some things that we loved of hers from our childhood. But yes there where many many clowns. I decided to take a few of the poor little guys and give them a good home. I love how happy he is and that he is waving, every time I look at him I think of my Nana and see her waving back at me.

These two magnets where also my Nana's, another happy clown and the PA magnet just cracks me up!

Again more treasures of my Nana's! I just heart these two bowls so so much. Everything about them is perfect, the color, the illustrations the size. Everything!

So that's it for my kitchen!

Monday, January 24, 2011


Last week was one of those weeks where all I could do was pray for it to be over. It involved lots of snow and freezing weather, a mean police officer, not being able to drive my car for three days, FIVE mechanics, the DMV, my car getting seriously stuck in the snow and breaking my grandfathers truck. Jeeze! Hello Monday! I'm ready for a re-do!

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Smush face

In the last week Harper started making this face-

It CRACKS me up!!!! We have been calling it the smush face. Here's a little video of her doing it on demand. So so so so funny!!! I think we have a little comedian on our hands!!!!

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Good times

We visit my parents about every two weeks and it is time that we really truly enjoy. We always have such a great time hanging out with them and baby. Here's a little recap in photos.

gigi, baby and daddy

wonderful dinner with friends

delicious dinner

cute guy

awesome lamp

awesome harry the cat

bogey and baby being cute

daddy and baby being cute




bogey and baby being cute again (they better stop that!) 

silly baby

silly sleepy baby

cozy early morning fire

beautiful car ride home

a little more beauty

still beautiful

can't get enough beauty

little guy got some lovin'

little guy being cute

Good times. Many more to come. Can't wait.

Saturday, January 15, 2011

10 Months Old!!!!!!!!!!!

Today my little lady you are 10 months old!!! Holy smokes!!! Your Dad and I tried to take a picture of the sweet little face you have but unfortunately only got blurry photos. I decided that these blurry photos of you represent exactly who you are right now. Super on the go and into everything!!!! Happy 10 months, we love you sweet baby!!!

So far you can wave bye and hi, say mama and dada, eat WHOLE bagels, dance, blow on your food, click your tongue, pull your self up, stand up on your own for a few seconds, sleep like a big girl through out the night in your OWN room, you try to say Lex (your puppy) and today for the first time you clapped your hands!! You love music and food and also love to try to eat all the bubbles in your bath tub!

Here is a little video of you today doing all the things that you love to do!


Thursday, January 13, 2011

Holy snow balls!

Here in western Mass we got slammed like most of the country and totally got snowed in. I didn't leave the house at all yesterday and wouldn't have left today either if Nate wasn't home to clean off my car. 

 We don't have a shovel so we had to use a dust pan!

Harper thought it was pretty fun to stick her face in the snow and eat it!