Saturday, January 15, 2011

10 Months Old!!!!!!!!!!!

Today my little lady you are 10 months old!!! Holy smokes!!! Your Dad and I tried to take a picture of the sweet little face you have but unfortunately only got blurry photos. I decided that these blurry photos of you represent exactly who you are right now. Super on the go and into everything!!!! Happy 10 months, we love you sweet baby!!!

So far you can wave bye and hi, say mama and dada, eat WHOLE bagels, dance, blow on your food, click your tongue, pull your self up, stand up on your own for a few seconds, sleep like a big girl through out the night in your OWN room, you try to say Lex (your puppy) and today for the first time you clapped your hands!! You love music and food and also love to try to eat all the bubbles in your bath tub!

Here is a little video of you today doing all the things that you love to do!


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