Thursday, January 6, 2011

Celebrating Magic

My beautiful grandmother when she was younger

My grandmother is probably with out a doubt one of the most amazing, beautiful, gentle, giving souls on the planet. I know every one says that about their grandmothers but I swear to you my "Manny" is something magical. I have been blessed to have her in my life and double blessed for her to be in my daughters. Four generations of women, can you believe that! It sure is something special! Last night we celebrebrated her 78th birthday!! She truly is an inspiration. I hope to someday in my life (even though I don't think it's possible because seriously I think there was some magic doing at birth) to be as wonderful as she has been as a mother, grandmother, great grandmother, wife, sister and friend! Oh and did I mention she's GEORGEOUS!!! Ya, like as in drop dead! Cheers to you lady!!! Happy Birthday and many many more!!!!!!

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